Marty Miller
Director, Division 1
Since December 10, 2008
Current Term: 2022-2026
Mr. Miller has served on the board since December 2008. He represents Division 1, which stretches from Gopher Canyon Road to Vale Terrace Drive in Vista.
Miller, who owned a general construction company for over 40 years, has served as chair of the water sustainability, fiscal policy, public affairs and Warner Ranch committees. Miller has represented the district on the San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) board of directors since 2011; he currently serves as the chair of the Water Authority’s administrative and finance committee and labor negotiations work group and as a member of the engineering and operations committee and financial strategy work group.
Miller is also a director on the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California board of directors representing the San Diego region and an active member of the Association of California Water Agencies energy committee and the Local Agency Formation Commission Special Districts advisory committee.